thoughts on celestial navigation
and where we are
under current planetary cycles
Patriarchal Authority Unilaterally Suppresses Ego (as in I and Self) PAUSE Perpetual Anxiety Undermines Self Expression PAUSE Prevent Anxiety by Unlearning Self-Crushing Emotions PAUSE Pandemic Assault Undoes Societal Exclusionism PAUSE Pay Attention Ubiquitous Symbolism Enlightens PAUSE Please Allow Unity Consciousness Space to Emerge PAUSE Pluto And Uranus Serving and Saving Everyone and Everything Pluto in Capricorn The main planetary energy Currently dominating Life on planet Earth Pluto in Capricorn Forcing collective awareness Teaching the importance of ethics and honesty Of respect and accountability Pluto in Capricorn Bringing death to structures that no longer serve The greater good of all Bringing Resurrection - New structures that WILL serve The greater good of all Pluto in Capricorn Thoughts are things… Do not underestimate the power of your thoughts Do not underestimate the elasticity of your mind Uranus in Taurus Another powerful planetary energy Dominating life on planet Earth At this time Uranus in Taurus The Rule Breaker In the sign of the physical world Uranus in Taurus The Liberator In the sign of our physical bodies and our senses Uranus in Taurus The world turned upside down Uranus in Taurus Each day In front of our eyes The world is ending and beginning And while we may feel Completely helpless And vulnerable We must be courageous And remember That the beginning is in the ending And with Consciousness and Love We must midwife ourselves And the world As both are reborn PAUSE Powerful Alignments Unite Societies Everywhere |