Orienteering is the sport of navigating unfamiliar terrain using a map and a compass. Astrological Orienteering takes the chart of the archetypal zodiac as the map, and the paths of the Sun, Moon and planets as the compass, to frame the language and symbolism of Astrology as a guidance system to support self-awareness and agency in these emergent times.
Astrological Orienteering explores the archetypal energies of the Sun in real time to support the journey of self-awareness, vitalization, and agency. The Sun is our life force vitality, our conscious self, our will, and our drive for full expression. Online Gatherings follow The Path of the Sun, which is the Sun moving through all 12 signs of the zodiac beginning in Aries and ending with Pisces (March to February annually). When we take the time to develop our intuitive faculties and to expand our consciousness the human body is resilient, the mind is in harmony with its flexible nature, and we have the greatest potential to become our best selves,
Astrological Orienteering takes place on the day the Sun enters a Sign to maximize alignment with the solar energy of the month. The path of the Sun is the universe beckoning us forward as we develop our consciousness.
2024 Online Gatherings Dates Tuesday, March 19th Sun enters Aries