Registration Closed Next Class Coming Soon!
CHAOS* The confused unorganized state of primordial matter before the creation of distinct forms CREATIVITY* The ability to make new things or think of new ideas. *Merriam-Webster Dictionary
The world as we know it is ending. Evolutionary and revolutionary energies are compelling us to become extraordinary in our own lives. It is time to remember that the beginning is in the ending. Stars are born from Chaos. The Solar System was born from Chaos. We are born from this same celestial energy and are naturally equipped to creatively align with this Universal Chaos.
In this class, I will be teaching a unique way to navigate through all the symbolism and language of Astrology. While the empirical and objective rudiments of the Science of Astrology will be presented, it is the Art of Astrology, the intuitional side of Astrology that will be the greater focus of this course of study.
Author, Jane Yolen, says, “Intuition works best when you remember that “tuition” is part of it. You need to have paid ahead of time (i.e. done your prep work) so as to prepare the ground for intuition.”
This tutorial is all about doing the preparatory work. It is about learning how the language and symbolism of Astrology engages our non-linear, spontaneous, intuitive minds thus providing a perpetual source of self-awareness and guidance.
The word Astrology literally means Star Talk (Derived from the Greek words astro meaning star and logo meaning word or speech). This course of study is a primer in learning to converse with the stars and in creating a foundation for this conversation to be an ongoing resource for guidance and inspiration throughout the journey of life.
Over the course of 8 weeks, participants will be introduced to:
Their own personal and unique Star Chart;
The archetypal, collectively shared, Star Chart of the Annual Solar Year, and;
Interested in learning about the cosmic context behind the astonishing times we are living through? Looking for meaning and guidance during this turbulent time of collective and individual transition? Want to learn to liberate yourself from the tyranny of negative emotions? Want to better understand yourself in order to create the life you want to be living? Want to explore how to navigate the shift from fear and uncertainty to confidence and agency?