thoughts on celestial navigation
and where we are
under current planetary cycles
What are we going to do…
Blow it out or let it burn? Oh, the anxiety! Oh, the despair! We are living in unprecedented times… Wait, are we? History is littered with times just like this: epidemics, pandemics, genocides, wars, unfettered violence, oppressions, racial discriminations, sexual discriminations, exploitations, slavery, misogyny and on and on and on… Well, today In light of current events I invite you to join the vanguard I invite you to re-frame the human condition Essentially, it really is simple: Love your self and love each other. Simple And yet, not so simple to live from this truth Because centuries of the “human condition” Have traumatized us all The Patriarchal abuse of power Has cowed our spirits And stripped us of our inalienable rights Yes, those rights… The founding Of the great experiment That is the United States Was truly visionary… In practice, sadly, it was more than seriously flawed And mournfully impossible to birth without horrific compromises: Math that dehumanized Rules and ideas that crushed, oppressed, and diminished Anyone “other” (Our brothers and sisters) And that legacy continues What are we going to do… Blow it out or let it burn? It is time to choose the higher vibration of Love over Hate And commit to living from that place of love Through words and deeds In the microcosm of your life EVERY DAY Which in turn will naturally Contribute to the expansion of Love over Hate In the macrocosm of the world EVERY DAY It is time people Let’s refuse to doom ourselves To another repetition of the past Let’s reject another empty Never Again Let’s get it right this time around We CAN change the course of history We have the power We have the agency Let’s break the cycle The tactics are there for the taking Blueprints are there to guide us Proof upon proof exists demonstrating that One person can change the world Let’s follow in the footsteps of the Brave heroes and heroines who Stood up to vile status quos And changed the world In no order (And definitely an incomplete list) With deep gratitude I offer the names of these great souls To inspire you to take up your agency NOW: Galileo Dietrich Bonhoeffer Martin Luther King Ruby Bridges Nelson Mandela Mahatma Gandhi Mother Theresa Rosa Parks Eleanor Roosevelt Franklin D. Roosevelt Joan of Arc Cleopatra Helen Keller Wilma Rudolph Socrates Winston Churchill Muhammad Ali Dalai Lama Jesus Moses Harriet Tubman Abraham Lincoln Jesse Owen Frederick Douglass Michelle Obama Plato Oprah Winfrey Albert Einstein Malcolm X Maya Angelou Sojourner Truth Amelia Earhart Frida Kahlo Anne Frank John Lennon Benjamin Franklin Betty Friedan Jane Goodall Katherine G. Johnson Shirley Chisolm Francis Bacon George Washington Malala Yousafzai Greta Thunberg Let’s join this esteemed vanguard To break the patterns and shatter the legacy Let’s finally do the right thing Love your self And love each other It's time! |