thoughts on celestial navigation
and where we are
under current planetary cycles
Today’s New Moon is taking us deep into our souls to find the antidote for the traumas that keep us trapped in the past. Today’s Solar Eclipse is forcing us to deal more profoundly with our own subconscious as well as with the archetypes of the collective unconscious. The intensity we are experiencing is our resistance to the reorientation and renovation that is taking place deep within. This is a challenging time. We are being asked to review our past and our core being to confront things we don’t want to deal with… and to complete things that are no longer useful to us or that no longer serve our own highest good and the highest good of all. The remedy for resistance? Surrender. Letting go of trying to control that which we cannot control. Since we can’t push the river anyway, why not relinquish the habits of micromanaging and worrying about other people, places, and things? Why not reclaim all that wasted energy and apply it to nourishing and healing ourselves? Salvation lives in the dark and fertile moments of today’s Solar Eclipse. By tapping into the inner guidance available to us during this period we can begin to develop the skills we need to navigate through these evolutionary times. The power surge of this New Moon Solar Eclipse is calling us to reorient and redefine everything. The energetic lessons embedded in this New Moon Solar Eclipse are about duality - self/other, good/evil, masculine/feminine, right/wrong, yin/yang, human/divine… Understanding this and learning to harmonize the oppositions that exist within ourselves and within our earthly experience is the key to making sense of the complexities and insecurities of this ever-changing world. The next ten days is a time for reflection. It can be a time of inspiration, a dreamy imaginative time, or it can be a frustrating, non-rational time motivating us to escape pressures through addiction and/or passivity and avoidance. It is important to be as self-aware as possible – to notice if you are feeling depleted or energized or somewhere in between or all of the above… and to respond compassionately to yourself. There is much to be gained if we dare to trust our intuition even when our rational minds question or contradict what our gut says. Our intuitive faculties expand our consciousness so that we have the greatest potential to become our true, best selves. Each one of us holds within our own unique antidote to the wounds we suffer. We are all wounded. We are all suffering. We are all sensing our way through the darkness of these evolutionary times. The universe is inviting us to take up the sacred act of healing ourselves. This Solar Eclipse is signaling that it is time to begin seeking our own cure. Rest assured, by the light of this New Moon, we will find the foothold on the forward path of recovery. Rest assured, by the light of this New Moon, we will find the way to give form to a new way of being that truly resonates with our needs individually and collectively. Peace Light Love Harmony To you And to all Happy New Moon! |